
Bethel Community Yard Sale


Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018
11 AM - 3 PM
Bethel Schools Parking Lot

Rain date: Sunday, Sept. 9


Join us 
Buy, Sell & Be Merry!

Join us for the first annual Bethel Community Yard Sale, on Sat. Sept. 8. Come out for some bargain hunting and socializing, or sell your stuff and make some money.

The yard sale will feature vendors selling household items (yard sale), as well as crafters and food providers. Look for:

  • Free popcorn from Sun Common

  • PTO bake sale and drinks, plus other food vendors

Reserve Your Space! Seller Info


Want to reserve a space and see your stuff? Please complete our online form here, or download an application and email or mail it in. 


  • Anyone is welcome to reserve a space to sell household items, crafts, food items, or other goods.
  • No alcohol, firearms, weapons, offensive, suggestive or provocative items allowed. 
  • Due to the possibility of safety recalls, we discourage selling baby cribs and car seats. If you do sell baby equipment, please check for recalls in advance.
  • Spaces 


  • $20 fee for space; $10 will be refunded when the space is cleaned at the end of the sale. 
  • We have a limited number of spaces underneath the building canopy for an additional $5 fee.

Setup and Equipment:

  • Each vendor will receive two parking spaces (or equivalent size). All materials and items must fit within that space.
  • Vendors must bring their own tables, chairs, display racks, etc.
  • Electricity will NOT be provided.
  • Set up will begin at 9:30am and must be complete by 10:45.

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Yard Sale Registration Form

Fill out this form to reserve a space to sell your stuff. If you prefer paper, you can print the form and mail it in or drop it off at the Bethel Village Sandwich Shop, you